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Volunteer Opportunities
USTA North Carolina has many volunteers that serve throughout our state. We have a USTA North Carolina Board as well as Committees that serve two year terms. Volunteer commitments begin January 1 of the even year and end December 31 of the odd year (i.e. the upcoming term runs January 2024 through December 2025).
To apply for both Board Positions for the 2024-2025 term please click here. Our Board consists of the Management Committee, Area Directors (to see Area divisions click here). At Large Directors and our esteemed Past Presidents. Our Board generally meets 2 times a year. Once at Tennis Weekend and once at our Community Development Workshop. It is important for our applicants to put these dates on your schedule. Much is gained at both of these meetings, not just during the Board meeting but at the committee meetings and the sessions. There could be a virtual call at some other time of the year, but that is not always the case.
For Committee responsibilities, it is good to know that we do have committee face to face meetings at Tennis Weekend. All others are generally virtual. Some of our committees are advisory and time spent is limited to a need basis. Others have specific jobs to carry out and meetings occur to help that process along. Each committee has staff liaisons who do the day-to-day work of the committee. Our staff is there to carry out policies and procedures set by the committees. There is also a Board Liaison assigned to most committees. That role is to communicate or interpret to the Board committee positions along with the committee chair. To apply for committee positions for the 2024-25 term click here.
Our 20+ committees are broken into five committee categories. When applying, you will be asked to indicate your category preferences:
Administrative & Advisory
Adult Play Division
Junior Play Division
Community Development
Promotion, Marketing & Recognition
If you would like to know more about the Committees in each of these categories, please see our 2024-25 Committee Descriptions Draft.
We do have Volunteer support for host hotel room nights and mileage to and from the meetings. To read the full policy please click here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kelly Gaines at
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